George Arion (born on 5 April 1946 in Tecuci, Romania) is an author of mystery & thriller novels, a poet and prose writer, essayist, librettist and journalist.
George's first contact with literature came through his family. His father, Gheorghe, was a teacher, author of monographs on his birthplace, memoirs and verse; his mother, Aglaia Arion, was a primary school teacher.
George Arion started his career as a student of electrical engineering, but switched to the Faculty of Romanian Language and Literature in Bucharest, where he graduated in 1970.
He started working as an editor for Revista bibliotecilor (Libraries’ Magazine), and in 1974 was hired as an editor for Flacăra magazine. In 1979, he was appointed Head of the Culture section, and elected Editor-in-chief of the magazine after the revolution of December 1989.
George Arion is currently the General Director of Flacăra Publications, President of the ‘Premiile Flacăra’ Foundation (Flacăra Prize), and President of the Romanian Crime Writers Club.
His literary debut came in 1966 with verses, under a pseudonym, then several volumes of poetry signed with his name. He was also active as a literary critic.
His career as a novelist started in 1983 with Atac în bibliotecă (Attack in the Library), hailed as a benchmark in Romanian crime fiction, introducing Andrei Mladin, a detective in spite of himself (‘Living Romanian journalist! Still living...’). The book was re-edited in 1993 by Flacăra Publishing House and in 2008 by Crime Scene Publishing. His next novel, Profesionistul (The Professional), was published in 1985, followed by Trucaj (Stunt), in 1986, Pe ce picior dansați? (Choosing Sides) 1990, Crimele din Barintown (Barintown Murders) 1995, Nesfârșita zi de ieri (Endless Yesterday) 1997, re-edited as Șah la rege (The King in Check) in 2008. The first collection of novels featuring Andrei Mladin was published in 2001, as Detectiv fără voie (A Reluctant Detective), then in 2008, at Crime Scene Publishing. Other books include Cameleonul (The Chameleon) 2001, re-edited in 2009 by Crime Scene Publishing, Anchetele unui detectiv singur (Investigations of a Lone Detective) 2003, Spioni în arșiță (Spies in the Heat) 2003, Necuratul din Colga (The Devil of Colga) 2004, re-edited in 2010 by Crime Scene Publishing, Crime sofisticate (Sophisticated Murders) 2009 and Sufocare (Suffocation) 2012, at Crime Scene Publishing.
The most recent book featuring Andrei Mladin is Fortăreața nebunilor (The Castle of the Lunatics), published in 2011.
- Amfiteatru Magazine Prize (1970)
- Flacăra Magazine Prize (1982)
- Three times winner of the Romanian Writers’ Union Prize (1985 for Profesionistul, 1995 for Crimele din Barintown, 1999 for O istorie a societății românești contemporane în interviuri)
- The Prize of the Journalists Council for Interviews (1987)
- The Prize of the Journalists Council for Sports Writing (1988)
- Tomis Magazine Prize (1994)
- The Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Crime Writing (1993 and 2003)
Member of the Romanian Writers’ Union. Honorary Citizen of the town of Tecuci.