Profusion Publishers - Independent British Publishing House, based in London

Developing Narratives about Contemporary Life

Monday 17 June 2013

Special Conference:
Developing Narratives about Contemporary Life for Children and Young People

10:30 am, Palatul Copiilor (Iași, Bulevardul Carol I, No.2)
part of 
Host: writer Liviu Antonesei, President of the Festival of Books and Authors for Children and Young Adults

Developing Narratives about Contemporary Life for Children and Young People
Traditionally, fiction for children and young people has been dominated by the telling of myths and legends. In recent years, educationalists have tried to add more recent history and debates about society to the content of children’s fiction. However this has consequences for the development of the stories. What sort of narratives are the most appropriate in modern storytelling for young people? How are they to be discovered?

Read the full details here.