Profusion Publishers - Independent British Publishing House, based in London

Blog posts of '2014' 'September'

Festivalul de Film Românesc de la Londra, ediţia a 11-a - 28 September 2014

Festivalul de Film Romanesc de la Londra 2014


13 – 16 noiembrie 2014, Curzon Soho (99 Shaftesbury Avenue, Londra, W1D 5DY)
Festivalul de Film Românesc de la Londra (FFR) prezintă în fiecare an, la un cinematograf londonez de top, o selecție a celor mai incitante filme românești. Programul evenimentelor va fi anunţat la mijlocul lunii octombrie.

Festivalul de Film Românesc este unul dintre evenimentele culturale majore ale comunității româneşti din Marea Britanie. În ultimii zece ani festivalul s-a desfășurat exclusiv la Londra. Acum, la cea de-a 11-a ediție, dorim să organizăm câteva proiecții și în afara Londrei, mai precis la Edinburgh, Liverpool și Brighton. Pentru a realiza aceste proiecții suplimentare avem nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastră în campania de strângere de fonduri. Cei care aveți posibilitatea să faceți o mică donație, orice sumă începând cu £1, ne puteți contacta aici până la data de 23 octombrie. Vă mulțumim foarte mult!

Festivalul a fost întotdeauna un mijloc important de a transmite un mesaj pozitiv despre România. Considerat un prilej de celebrare a culturii române, FFR este o iniţiativă non-profit, sprijintă din punct de vedere financiar de granturi şi sponsorizări primite de la prieteni şi susţinători. FFR este organizat de Profusion International Creative Consultancy, în parteneriat cu Centrul Naţional al Cinematografiei din România şi Cinematografele Curzon din Londra.
Rezervaţi-vă în agenda zilele de festival pentru sărbătoarea filmului românesc! Accesaţi pagina de Facebook a festivalului pentru ştiri de ultimă oră, concursuri şi premii, şansa de a întâlni actorii şi regizorii invitaţi şi multe altele!


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Help the Romanian Film Festival in London expand to Edinburgh, Liverpool and Brighton - 26 September 2014



The 11th Romanian Film Festival in London: Breaking New Ground
13 - 16 November 2014,


Hello, everyone.
The Romanian Film Festival is back! And this time we mean to be bigger and travel outside London to Edinburgh, Liverpool and Brighton.
You have been supporting us since 2003, for ten editions in which we showcased Romanian contemporary cinema, as well as rarely seen classics. Film-makers and actors from the Romanian film industry attended the screenings, Q&As, panels and special events, and many of you had the chance to meet them at our receptions.

RFF 2014 will take place from the 13th to the16th November in London, and – with your kind support – the London showings will be followed for the first time by screenings outside the capital: in Edinburgh, Liverpool and Brighton. The Festival is at a crucial time in its development and what can be more exciting than bringing the joy of pitch-perfect cinema to new audiences?

For details, please visit our campaign page

We promise to bring, as usual, new releases, talented artists, hot debates with film experts and critics, rare classics from Romania to the UK. Special events, galas, conversations and industry events will complement the screenings, continuing the tradition of the festival as a joyful celebration of Romanian cinema. Award-winning filmmakers and actors will join the festival to enter into a dialogue with the audiences. Details of the festival program and participating guests will be available mid October. Stay tuned for updates through our Indiegogo campaign.

We are an independent organisation, a small group of passionate and dedicated individuals committed to providing an amazing display of Romanian films in the UK. Without sponsors and donations (and your attendance at the festival), RFF would be unable to do all this.

There are numerous ways you can help RFFthroughout the year.
But the most immediate way you can help is to
donate to this campaign -, and to share it on your Blogs and Web sites, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ etc.

Contribute - No contribution is too small. With every pound we move a step closer to realizing our goal of evolving from a small independent festival, that is purely a labour of love, to a stable, enduring cultural foundation for the public.

To find out more about how your money will be spent, and what perks are available as a recognition of your kind contribution, please visit our campaign page at

We are Breaking New Ground with you!
Romanian Film Festival in London
Tel. +44 7456 542570


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Romanian Crime Fiction Featured in Euro Noir - 19 September 2014

Romanian Crime Fiction Featured in Euro Noir

In the last decade Scandinavian crime fiction has dominated the European market for translations into English of stories about crime. Justifiably so, because there are some remarkable writers working in the genre. On the other hand, during the last few years translations from other languages have come into focus. Translations from Italian, French, Spanish and German have already commanded attention for some time, and in recent years we have seen the emergence of East European work. Romanian writers, largely through the agency of new publishers, Profusion, are the latest to burst into the market.

Euro Noir: The Pocket Essential Guide to European Crime Fiction, Film & TV is a bibliography and collection of essays about crime fiction writing in Europe. Compiled by Barry Forshaw, a prominent critic of crime fiction, it follows his best selling work on British crime fiction, and features the best writers in the genre throughout Europe. The section on Romania lists the Profusion writers, George Arion (Attack in the Library), Bogdan Hrib (Kill the General) and Oana Stoica-Mujea (Anatomical Clues). This chapter is no mere listing. Instead, it describes the books in some detail, and goes on to mention the non-fiction work Rimaru, Butcher of Bucharest by Mike Phillips and Stejarel Olaru. The section winds up with interviews from authors Mike Phillips and Bogdan Hrib. It is true that occasional Romanian authors, writing about the dictatorship, have been bestsellers, especially in the USA. On the other hand, this chapter in Euro Noir is about stories which represent day to day life. Popular Romanian writing has never attracted such attention in the UK market before now, and this is a breakthrough.

Euro Noir is available on Amazon – Paperback & Kindle edition


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