Profusion Publishers - Independent British Publishing House, based in London

Blog posts of '2013' 'February'

Happy Martisor! - 28 February 2013

MĂRȚIȘOR, the celebration of Spring on the first day of March, is – to use a Romanian expression – as ancient as Earth itself. On this day, women receive a gift of a double-threaded red and white string, together with a small trinket – called mărțișor. This mărțișor is worn for the next week, on the lapel. In some parts of the country tradition dictates that the string would then be tied to a flowering tree, so as to bring good luck and a good crop. The colours, red and white, recall a time of pagan beliefs, red symbolising blood and death, and white purity and rebirth.

Over the years, small charms and coins came to be attached to the string. Nowadays the charms take the form of flowers or animals, and can be made of a wide range of materials, from wood and plastic to silver, gold, and precious stones. As March approaches the mărțișor makers gather on the corners of the big public squares exhibiting their wares. A version of this custom is also found in Bulgaria, called Martenitsa, but it involves only a red and white twine being tied to the wrist of people’s loved ones.

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Profusion News Issue No. 2 is Out Now! - 24 February 2013

Profusion News Issue No. 2

Read All About It! Profusion News Issue No. 2 is out now! Read about Romanian Spring customs, cultural news and events, and some very handy tips. Plus a short diary of Romania-related cultural events taking place in the UK, and a short portrait of award-winning film director Calin Peter Netzer.
Profusion News is distributed, free of charge, via e-mail. Interested in reading it? Drop us an e-mail at

Ultima Oră, Ediție Specială! S-a lansat numărul 2 al buletinului de știri Profusion News! Citiți în acest număr despre: obiceiuri românești de primăvară, știri și evenimente culturale românești sau legate de România, precum și informații foarte utile. Plus, o mică agendă a evenimentelor culturale românești din Marea Britanie și un scurt portret al regizorului Călin Peter Netzer, câștigătorul premiului “Ursul de aur” la ediția din 2013 a Berlinalei. Buletinul de știri Profusion News se distribuie gratuit, pe e-mail. Doriți să-l citiți? Trimiteți-ne un e-mail la adresa

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Profusion Books Are For Life - 14 February 2013

Profusion Crime Tattoo - Books for Life

Just like classic "heart & dagger" love tattoos, Profusion Crime books are for life, not just for Valentine's Day. Share the love with a little Noir from Eastern Europe.

More about the books here.

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