Profusion Publishers - Independent British Publishing House, based in London

Blog posts of '2012' 'August'

Interview With Mike Phillips in Enfield INDEPENDENT - 30 August 2012

Mike Phillips interviewed in Enfield INDEPENDENT

with MIKE 
author of
Rimaru – Butcher of Bucharest



'Rîmaru - Butcher of Bucharest' is available in paperback from,, and as a Kindle e-book.
To read a free preview of 'Rîmaru - Butcher of Bucharest', click here.

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Rimaru - Butcher of Bucharest: Featured On The Website Of The Crime Writers' Association - 07 August 2012

Rimaru - Butcher of Bucharest, featured on The CWA website

Rimaru – Butcher of Bucharest

featured on the website of

The Crime Writers' Association®

'Rîmaru - Butcher of Bucharest' is available in paperback from,, and as a Kindle e-book.
To read a free preview of 'Rîmaru - Butcher of Bucharest', click here.

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Author Mike Phillips - Reading and Book Signing - 02 August 2012

Mike Phillips - Book Signing and Reading at Bruce Castle, Haringey

Author Mike Phillips will be reading from ‘Rimaru – Butcher of Bucharest’ and from his novel ‘A Shadow of Myself’

Saturday 11 August 2012, between 3 and 5 in the afternoon, at
Bruce Castle Museum
Lordship Lane, London N17 8NU

Entrance is free; refreshments provided; books at special price, no booking required.

The author Mike Phillips will be present and reading from 'Rimaru – Butcher of Bucharest' and from his novel A Shadow of Myself, which also has its focus in the recent history of Eastern Europe. He will also explore the background to his recent work and its connections with his own previous literary history.

'Rîmaru - Butcher of Bucharest' is available in paperback from, and as a Kindle e-book.
To read a free preview of 'Rîmaru - Butcher of Bucharest', click here.

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